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Meet the new exchange students

Currently at Örebro University new exchange students are arriving. This semester the university is welcoming around 150 exchange students. Lösnummer has talked to both, Katrin Wieder, who is working at Örebro University as an International Student Assistant, and some exchange students from Germany, Hungary and Belgium.

Katrin is standing ready with fliers and welcome bags to greet new students as we arrive.

-As an International Student Assistant I am mainly responsible for answering all questions regarding the practical and social part of the exchange. One part of my job is that I am also responsible for the arrival days during which the students will receive important information and we hand out the keys for their accommodation.

This is the first time since the pandemic that Örebro University has had the opportunity to welcome exchange students from outside Europe.

-Yesterday we had four Korean students that arrived, that felt quite special and exciting, Katrin says.

Katrin also walks us through the first steps a new exchange student takes after arrival.

-First of all the students receive the keys, they get an accommodation guaranteed within walking distance to campus through the university. Afterward they usually meet a “fadder” of their faddergroup who will guide them to their room and help them settle in.

Katrin also mentions that all exchange students get a welcome bag that includes some small presents and information. She says that the International Office wants the students to get a real Swedish experience so of course there is some Swedish Kexchoklad included in the bag.

Katrin Wieder. International Student Assistant at Örebro University.

Lösnummer has also gotten the opportunity to talk to three exchange students that just arrived from Hungary. All of them study in Budapest.

-Sweden is really different from Hungary and I was really curious to come here. I study International Relations and we don’t study Gender equality. However, I am really interested in that subject and as Örebro University offers a course in Gender equality, I chose to study here, Anna Erdődi says.

Veronica Bücs on the other hand says that she chose Örebro University for her semester abroad because of its wide variety of unique courses in economics.

Barbara Bódis mentioned that she noticed how modern and clean Örebro University is.

Left to right: Barbara Bódis, Anna Erdodi & Veronika Bücs. Exchange student from Hungary.

Rosain Jossens is another exchange student, she is from Belgium. She mentions how her first impression of the university is that it’s very calm.

-At Örebro University, we were assured that we would have guaranteed accommodation. I have friends that are going to other countries, and they have to find their own place to live. Guaranteed accommodation, I think, is the first reason for my choice, Rosain says.

Left to right: Rosine Jossens with her Fadder, Emma Ruiz.

Lösnummer also talked to Sophia Gyszas who studies in Lüneburg, Germany. She tells us she has been in Örebro one day now.

-These first days are all about going to IKEA and the supermarket. But I am looking forward to exploring the university later.

Lösnummer asks Sophia why she chose to come to Örebro University for her exchange.

-I chose Sweden because I am fascinated by Scandinavia, as many people are.

Left to right: Luca Mohme, Emma Maschat, Arved Schreiber & Sophia Gyszas. International students from Germany.

12 visningar


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